Flowers Search

Flower's Language

Aquilegia: Madness
Anemone: Resignation, mistrust
Aster: Ulterior motives
Bellis (Daisies): Innocence
Bouquet of flowers: Gallant gesture
Erica: Loneliness
Fern: Sincerity, reverie
Lilac: Initial loving feelings
Carnation: Lasting beauty
Gorse: Purity
Campanula (blue): Constancy
Wallflower: Radiance
Dog rose: Poetry
Hops: Injustice
Hydrangea: You are cold
Hyacinth: Goodwill
Periwinkle: Sweet memories
Iris: News
Jasmine: Kindness
Crown Imperial: Power
Cherry blossom: Good education
Cherry laurel: Infidelity
Clematis: Refinement
Cornflower: Tact
Lavender: Mistrust
Gillyflower: Dignity
Gillyflower (bright red): You are a goddess
Lily: Majesty
Lotus: Eloquence
Antirrhinum: Arrogance
Lilies of the valley: Return of good fortune
Hollyhock: Grace
Marguerite: Innocence
Mistletoe: I will overcome all obstacles
Poppy: Consolation
Moss rose: Sensual love
Myrtle: Symbol of marriage
Narcissus: Selfishness
Carnation (red): Pure and deep love
Carnation (yellow): Contempt
Carnation (white): Talent
Orange blossom: Virginity
Daffodil: Desire
Peony: Shame
Passion flower: Belief
Petunia: Surprise
Primula: Youth
Buttercup: You have heavenly charms
Marigold: Jealousy, despair
Delphinium: Superficiality
Rose (red, single rose): I love you
Rose (white): Silence
Rose petals: I am never pushy
Rosebud (white): A heart that does not yet know love
Rosemary: Your presence enlivens me
Snowdrops: Love’s happiness
Iris: Message
Sunflower: Riches
Maiden pink: Delicacy
Pansies: Duplicity
Tagetes: Disgust
Thyme: Activity
Tuberose: Lust
Tulip: Declaration of love
Violet: Modesty
Forget-me-nots: Don’t forget me
Dog rose: Simplicity


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