Flowers Search


Just inner to the Calyx the second whorl of the flower is known as Corolla and it is made up of Petals. Petal is one of the individual floral leaves of Corolla. Petals are usually brightly coloured and showy so, the petals helps flower in pollination by attracting insects. The free Petals are known as Polypetalous(e.g:-Brassica) and the fused petals are known as gamopetalous(Ipomoea).
Shape of the Corolla
Some of the form of the corolla are as follows:
(a) Polypetalous Corolla
1. Cruciform:- The Corolla consists of four or five petals arranged in the from of cross(x).Each petal has a expanded limb and a narrow stalk below called claw.e.g:-Brassica
2. Caryophyllaceou:- It consists of five free petals each with a comparatively long claw, and the limbs. The Claw and Limb lie more or less at right angle to each other and spread outward.e.g:-Dianthus.
3. Rosaceous:- The Corolla consists of five or more free petals, spreading regularly outwards like those of rose.e.g:-Rosaceae.
4. Papilionaceous:- It consists of five unequal free petals, one large posterior standard, two lateral wings and two innermost smallest united keels.e.g:-pea, gram etc.

(b) Gamopetalous Corolla
1. Tubular:-In this case petals are fused to form a tube or cylinder like structure.e.g:- central florets of sunflower.
2. Campanulate:- In this case petals are fused to each other to form bell shaped structure.e.g:-Ipomoea, Cuscuta.
3. Infundibuliform:- In this case petals are fused to each other to form funnel shaped structure.e.g:-Datura, Petunia.
4. Rotate:- In this case petals are fused to each other to form Wheel shaped structure.e.g:- Brinjal, Nerium, Solanum.
5. Ligulate(Strap-shaped):- A zygomorphic, gamopetalous, strap-shaped corolla with a short narrow tube below and flattened strap-like upper portion.e.g:-Sunflower, Sonchus.
6. Urceolate:- In this case petals are fused to each other to form Urn-shaped structure.e.g:-Bryophyllum.

Bilabiate:- A zygomorphic, gamopetalous corolla which is divided into two unequal lips the upper lips and lower lips.e.g:-Ocimum.
Personate:- Bilabiate(A zygomorphic, gamopetalous corolla which is divided into two unequal lips the upper lips and lower lips) Corolla with narrow opening due to two lips which are to one another.e.g:-Antirrhinum.


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